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Love and Pain Is Not The Same
Love is someone who care. Pain is someone who hate. Love takes pain away. While pain leaves you astray. Love will never leave you. While pain leads you further off. Love is there to catch you when you fall. While pain pushes you down harder into the…
Long time ago
Love Love Love #5
Love it when your heart beat speeds up I love you daddy Your my keeper If your a halo I’ll shield ya Stand tall right along the side of you You know if they gone tell it They not gone tell  the whole thing The rest will be a lie for real If this love ……
Long time ago
Hard To See This Race #4
I know this race is only a block and half, but I might get lost cross the street. Perhaps I might mak a wrong turn down a dirt road. Thinking it would help me to score. Maybe, should trick the whatever is stopping me from reaching. To go ahead and let me…
Long time ago
For What It Is Worth #3
For what it is worth, I will make a goal plan for you and I. And we will carry it out against the world. Showing them that we are indeed who we say we are. For what it is worth, I will close my ears to this nonsense. And open my mind to a newer … Continue…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
I prefer to avoid conflict. I am a dog person, but I do not have any pets at the moment. I use to have pitbull who was a red nose. Her name was Abel. My favorite sports team are the saints and the Lakers. Somewhat I can do things, but other things I have…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
Sense I don’t remember what the question was. I am certain that my answer is: “Yes, depends on what it say and what it is for.” Must’ve been very serious; if I said it. Yes, sing while taking both. Doesn’t matter which ever one makes me feel relaxed.…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
The older I have become I realized I favorite my mother the most. My three daughters I have today favors me. They are a split image and exact fun interesting little people to be around. The weirdest thing I have ever seen before are unknown creatures. My…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite scented candle is lavender and fruity; long lasting fragrances. Unfortunately, that will keep the whole house smelling right. You know I am a girly girl. So, I would have vanilla, flowers, lavender, and waterfall scent. My candles vary. My…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite sports are basketball, tennis, volleyball, swimming, track, dodgeball, cheerleading, and dance line. My favorite time of day is Morning, because that’s when you will find God. An morning means breakfast. My favorite for breakfast is pancakes.…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
These are my favorite places, because snowy mountains. Outlet mall with a bunch of fun places to visit. Also, a Indian site and Zoo location with a sky net to cross over the zoo. Waterpark being indoors with many options surranding the area. Followed by…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite quotes are Don’t Quit and Never Give Up. Also, everything that I have ever wrote in life. And I will strive to take this moment. To share my gift with other writers like myself. My favorite snacks are chocolate, cake, ice cream, cookies, beef…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite musician in real life is aunt San (Sandra Elizabeth Wimberly Hill). She played the piano as a kid at home and at church. And she could sing while playing it. Like, Alicia Keys. Alicia is one of my favorite singers. If you read my post before I…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite colors are blue, pink, purple, yellow, green, brown, and white. My favorite things to do the most are singing, dancing, writing, and remembering history. My favorite drink or soda is orange or anything fruity. My favorite fairytales are…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
I strive for my three beautiful daughters (Nya, Shelle, and Shanti). My favorite actor is Tyler Perry as Madea and all the other characters he play. My favorite actress is Tamela Mann, Mr. Brown, Hattie, and aunt Bam. My favorite celebrity Tyler Perry and…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
So far, within my life the needs are personal. So, personal I can’t believe what’s there. But, Big Mama and Big Daddy made life as a baby to a teenager very easy and interesting for me. Although, they are both in better place. I still miss and love them…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
What I love about myself are my hair, my looks, my height, my family, who I am, GOD, skills, creativity, and thoughts. My father is Michael G. Wimberly. My mother is Shirley Lewis Delancy. My grandparents was still married when they passed away. They were…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My name is Andreal N. Lewis. The meaning of my name is powerful and complete. I am named after aunt San daughter Tiffany Michelle Wimberly. I would take the L or of my first name. I am from Jonesboro, Louisiana. I was born at Jackson Parish Hospital. I…
Long time ago
Meaning Of Who #1
I am powerful and complete. I am good intectually. Require several outlets for my energies. I am a planner and want all plans to be carried out. I am bold, independent, inquisitive interested in research. I know what I want and why I want what I want. I…
Long time ago
Been Through Alot
Part 2 Been alot of places! Seen a lot of faces! The Holy Son is the only one I seek! Other than the people I have near! I love and accept! Such a friend! But, sometimes! Even, I don’t understand! So, now I just stand with my family! And always leave it…
Long time ago
Been Through Alot
Been Alot of places! Seen Alot of faces! Sense I been down here! Things still gets in my way! I try to go straight! And keep my Faith! But the enemy keep pushing me a stray! But, God told me to keep my head up! And keep walking by Faith! And His marvelous…
Long time ago
Got to Go and Get It
Got to go and get it! If you really want it! I know He will grant us the serenity to do so! We ask Him to grant us the courage to change the things we can and the things we can not! We ask Him to grant the wisdom to know the difference in the … Continue…
Long time ago
Cognitive development
Cognitive development are terms of information processing, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of the developed adult brain and cognitive and psychology. How a child processes its waking experience and how an adult processes his/her…
Long time ago
Long time ago
Just As Close As I Want to Be
What’s the point of me stopping now! When I am just so close! To get my life on track! Why now! Is there to many souls to break! To much tention to make! Of heart ache! It’s a earth shake! What’s over taking this place! Sure not my breaks! Deep down! I…
Long time ago
the Seven Domains of Early Childhood Education
This week, my three daughters and I will learning the SEVEN DOMAINS of Early Childhood Development. The most important steps to starting Kindergarten…
Long time ago

Social networks

Connect your social networks to share all your public publications and latest news.
Love and Pain Is Not The Same
Love is someone who care. Pain is someone who hate. Love takes pain away. While pain leaves you astray. Love will never leave you. While pain leads you further off. Love is there to catch you when you fall. While pain pushes you down harder into the…
Long time ago
Love Love Love #5
Love it when your heart beat speeds up I love you daddy Your my keeper If your a halo I’ll shield ya Stand tall right along the side of you You know if they gone tell it They not gone tell  the whole thing The rest will be a lie for real If this love ……
Long time ago
Hard To See This Race #4
I know this race is only a block and half, but I might get lost cross the street. Perhaps I might mak a wrong turn down a dirt road. Thinking it would help me to score. Maybe, should trick the whatever is stopping me from reaching. To go ahead and let me…
Long time ago
For What It Is Worth #3
For what it is worth, I will make a goal plan for you and I. And we will carry it out against the world. Showing them that we are indeed who we say we are. For what it is worth, I will close my ears to this nonsense. And open my mind to a newer … Continue…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
I prefer to avoid conflict. I am a dog person, but I do not have any pets at the moment. I use to have pitbull who was a red nose. Her name was Abel. My favorite sports team are the saints and the Lakers. Somewhat I can do things, but other things I have…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
Sense I don’t remember what the question was. I am certain that my answer is: “Yes, depends on what it say and what it is for.” Must’ve been very serious; if I said it. Yes, sing while taking both. Doesn’t matter which ever one makes me feel relaxed.…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
The older I have become I realized I favorite my mother the most. My three daughters I have today favors me. They are a split image and exact fun interesting little people to be around. The weirdest thing I have ever seen before are unknown creatures. My…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite scented candle is lavender and fruity; long lasting fragrances. Unfortunately, that will keep the whole house smelling right. You know I am a girly girl. So, I would have vanilla, flowers, lavender, and waterfall scent. My candles vary. My…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite sports are basketball, tennis, volleyball, swimming, track, dodgeball, cheerleading, and dance line. My favorite time of day is Morning, because that’s when you will find God. An morning means breakfast. My favorite for breakfast is pancakes.…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
These are my favorite places, because snowy mountains. Outlet mall with a bunch of fun places to visit. Also, a Indian site and Zoo location with a sky net to cross over the zoo. Waterpark being indoors with many options surranding the area. Followed by…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite quotes are Don’t Quit and Never Give Up. Also, everything that I have ever wrote in life. And I will strive to take this moment. To share my gift with other writers like myself. My favorite snacks are chocolate, cake, ice cream, cookies, beef…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite musician in real life is aunt San (Sandra Elizabeth Wimberly Hill). She played the piano as a kid at home and at church. And she could sing while playing it. Like, Alicia Keys. Alicia is one of my favorite singers. If you read my post before I…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My favorite colors are blue, pink, purple, yellow, green, brown, and white. My favorite things to do the most are singing, dancing, writing, and remembering history. My favorite drink or soda is orange or anything fruity. My favorite fairytales are…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
I strive for my three beautiful daughters (Nya, Shelle, and Shanti). My favorite actor is Tyler Perry as Madea and all the other characters he play. My favorite actress is Tamela Mann, Mr. Brown, Hattie, and aunt Bam. My favorite celebrity Tyler Perry and…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
So far, within my life the needs are personal. So, personal I can’t believe what’s there. But, Big Mama and Big Daddy made life as a baby to a teenager very easy and interesting for me. Although, they are both in better place. I still miss and love them…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
What I love about myself are my hair, my looks, my height, my family, who I am, GOD, skills, creativity, and thoughts. My father is Michael G. Wimberly. My mother is Shirley Lewis Delancy. My grandparents was still married when they passed away. They were…
Long time ago
What Makes Me… All About Me #2
My name is Andreal N. Lewis. The meaning of my name is powerful and complete. I am named after aunt San daughter Tiffany Michelle Wimberly. I would take the L or of my first name. I am from Jonesboro, Louisiana. I was born at Jackson Parish Hospital. I…
Long time ago
Meaning Of Who #1
I am powerful and complete. I am good intectually. Require several outlets for my energies. I am a planner and want all plans to be carried out. I am bold, independent, inquisitive interested in research. I know what I want and why I want what I want. I…
Long time ago
Been Through Alot
Part 2 Been alot of places! Seen a lot of faces! The Holy Son is the only one I seek! Other than the people I have near! I love and accept! Such a friend! But, sometimes! Even, I don’t understand! So, now I just stand with my family! And always leave it…
Long time ago
Been Through Alot
Been Alot of places! Seen Alot of faces! Sense I been down here! Things still gets in my way! I try to go straight! And keep my Faith! But the enemy keep pushing me a stray! But, God told me to keep my head up! And keep walking by Faith! And His marvelous…
Long time ago
Got to Go and Get It
Got to go and get it! If you really want it! I know He will grant us the serenity to do so! We ask Him to grant us the courage to change the things we can and the things we can not! We ask Him to grant the wisdom to know the difference in the … Continue…
Long time ago
Cognitive development
Cognitive development are terms of information processing, perceptual skill, language learning, and other aspects of the developed adult brain and cognitive and psychology. How a child processes its waking experience and how an adult processes his/her…
Long time ago
Long time ago
Just As Close As I Want to Be
What’s the point of me stopping now! When I am just so close! To get my life on track! Why now! Is there to many souls to break! To much tention to make! Of heart ache! It’s a earth shake! What’s over taking this place! Sure not my breaks! Deep down! I…
Long time ago
the Seven Domains of Early Childhood Education
This week, my three daughters and I will learning the SEVEN DOMAINS of Early Childhood Development. The most important steps to starting Kindergarten…
Long time ago

Family of Greatness

The Family of Greatness with many talents to be discovered. A family of five. My fiance, my three daughters and myself. When life couldn't get no worster. My pride dropped to help us all rise again. I will give it my all to see them all smile again. Dedicated to FAMILY OF GREATNESS. Love you!!!
Hello, my name is Andreal Lewis. I am 26 years old. I am a mother to three beautiful girls. Who are discovering they have many talents this year. Also, engaged to a wonderful fiance. My recently occupation is a certified nurses assistant. But, I have currently became a publisher on WordPress. Also, a blogger on many social media sites. Either, this year or next year, I am looking to going to school for early childhood education. My hobbies are singing, dancing, writing, blogging, publishing, posting, being creative, being a parent, wordpuzzles, searching the web, reading interesting books and topics. Watching movies and TV shows with family of greatness. And many more things I love to do. Recently, I been trying to discover my many talents. So, that I can put them all into one place.
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